
An artist tweeted a photo of “the process of turning a mushroom into an owl,” and commenters were amazed. But should they have been more skeptical?

Mochi Mochi is a Chiba-based artist who specializes in making wool-felt dolls, primarily adorable birds. Her creations border on lifelike and, we imagine, would make excellent gifts for any bird-lovers you might know. Recently, the artist had one of her tweets/Facebook posts go viral. Take a look at the image and message that saw Mochi Mochi blowing up the Internet across Japan.

“Here’s the simplified production process for turning an eringi mushroom into a barn owl.”

Yes, you read that right, the barn owl on the right was made using the mushrooms on the left! You have to admit that Mochi Mochi has some serious skills to be able to do this — she’s clearly an artist of the highest caliber! Except…

“(You can’t make a barn owl from an eringi mushroom.) I totally feel like I’ve done something I can never undo. LOL”

Yep, it’s a classic case of “don’t believe everything you read on the Internet!” To be fair, the mushrooms and the owl mid-construction do look a lot alike! It would be easy to believe the artist—but we can also totally understand why she might not have expected anyone to take her joke seriously. How the heck would even go about making an owl out of a mushroom anyway?

▼ You could just glue the wool felt on, but it seems like it would go bad right away.

At least Mochi Mochi will be getting lots of publicity for creations, which totally deserve it! Take a look at some of her woolly creations below!

▼ Mochi Mochi makes more than just barn owls, too!

She is definitely a skilled artist and her wool birds are absolutely adorable—too bad the holidays are already coming to an end, because we know what we would put on out gift wish list!

Be sure to follow Mochi Mochi on Twitter and Facebook for more photos of her cute creations. And don’t believe everything you read on the Internet!

Sources: Togech, Mochi MochiTwitter/@otorisama_Facebook/omocchiri
Featured image: Facebook/omocchiri