wolf underwear top

When your manliness cannot be contained by boxers intended for mere mortals.

For some reason, it always seems like women get all the fun when it comes to cool underwear. Whether it’s magical girls, cats, or underwear you can wear as a bathing suit, women have a monopoly on all the sweet undergarments.

But not anymore! Chinese clothing brand Spinas has finally put out what every man has always dreamed out: wolf and eagle boxers.

▼ Awoooooooooo! *thunder* *lightning*
*swatting away suitors with a stick*

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▼ And before you ask, yes, the wold nose/eagle beak is actually 3-D,
giving more girth to the groin-area.

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▼ The wolf boxers come in three robust, rugged colors:
manly, manlier, and manliest.

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▼ And the eagle boxers come in the three colors of freedom:
red, (off-)white, and blue.

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▼ Just think: this could be you.
(Background wolves not included.)

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▼ Although there is this little odd bit of information on the website…

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▼ Unless they mean your sexiness is so powerful, it literally becomes an antibiotic that can heal people. In which case, yes, they are correct.

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So guys, are you ready to impress your lady-friends with your new-found manly prowess? You can order your own pair from the Chinese website Ali Express for US$18.99, or if you’re not ready for that kind of international commitment, Amazon Japan for 4,000 yen ($37).

And if you’re looking for something to go with your new pair of intimidating underwear, may we suggest an extremely masculine, rainbow-vomiting cat shirt?

Source/images: Ali Express, Amazon Japan
[ Read in Japanese ]