awkward situation

Short, two-panel Japanese comic starring an awkward bird is way too relatable

When all you can do is stare and coo.

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【Monday Kickstart】This collection of awkward black cat photos is sure to put a smile on your face

Sadly, the weekend is over, but here are some lolcats to help you get through Monday.

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Question reveals how foreigners feel about speaking Japanese, getting English in return

Living in a foreign country has its trials and tribulations. There are all new customs and sometimes a new language you have to learn, creating a situation that can be really frustrating and depressing. Then one day you wake up, turn on the TV and suddenly, “Huh, I kinda get what’s going on here,” and you know you’re finally ready. It’s time to speak to the locals…with confidence!

In Japan, a very interesting thing happens though. You may speak close to native level and yet the Japanese person will respond back in ENGLISH. Has this happened to you?

How do you feel when you speak fluent or reasonably good Japanese to a Japanese person and they insist on answering you in English?” Foreigners were asked this question on Japan Today and it was shared by  Madame Riri, a Japanese blogger. What do both parties have to say about this? More after the jump!

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