Why Does Engrish Happen?

Official Tokyo Marathon T-shirts get recalled for English spelling mistake

Things started off OK, but didn’t finish quite right.

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Why Does Engrish Happen in Japan? 30-year-old fart-related signage mistake edition

Otaru will no longer direct drivers to the town fart.

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Japanese park’s English dog turd warning minces no words【Why does Engrish happen?】

Kanji quirk leads to some harsh language in reminder to pet owners.

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Tokyo hotel asks guests to take their used toilet paper with them【Why Does Engrish Happen?】

Translation trouble strikes as hotel ends up making a very awkward request.

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Why Does Engrish Happen? is back with a look at what seems to be where Sailor Moon would park her car.

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It’s often said that freedom isn’t free. In Japan, Free Tea isn’t either.

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Kyoto accidentally calls all old people “terrible drivers”【Why Does Engrish Happen in Japan?】

Japan’s most polite city inadvertently throws shade on elderly motorists.

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Why Does Engrish Happen in Japan? – Breakfast buffet edition

Is there a better way to start your day than with a nice plate of Italian wind saladt and “near the broil with salt?”

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Sure, Pizza Hut, but do you English?

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Japanese tourist center asks small-penised travelers to not make a mess in the bathroom

While Japan’s highest mountain itself is the primary attraction, it’s not the only thing to see in the Mt. Fuji area. There’s also the Fuji Five Lakes, which would be beautiful enough to warrant a visit even if they didn’t have the famed peak serving as a dramatic backdrop.

But while travelers are happy to see the mountain and lakes alike, one thing none of them look forward to is a puddle of piss on the men’s room floor of a local visitor’s center. That’s why one facility has signs asking visitors to mind their aim when using the urinals, but while the Japanese text is a politely worded reminder, the English version seems to be implying that the reader’s penis really isn’t so impressive.

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Japanese student protesters announce “WE WILL STOP!!!!” in English on Twitter, get clowned for it

Over the past few weeks, the Japanese organization SEALDs, which stands for Students Emergency Action for Liberal Democracy, has been staging large-scale protests in opposition of those politicians who’ve proposed expanding the role of the Japan Self-Defense Forces. The gatherings have become regular features on news programs, with footage showing large groups of impassioned youths chanting for Prime Minister Shinzo Abe to step down.

So after such a show of conviction, it must have been surprising for followers of SEALDs’ English Twitter account to see a tweet that suddenly announced the group is calling it quits.

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It’s time once again for an episode of Why Does Engrish Happen in Japan? If you missed the first installment (which we really should have given a clever name like Why Does Engrish Happen in Japan? ~Unexpected Opening to the Truth~) you can check it out here.

Today, we’re taking a look at a hotel in Japan that seems to be clamping down on solo peeing, with a sign posted in its lobby that requests visitors “Please refrain from using the bathroom alone.”

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Why does Engrish happen in Japan?

Over the years, Japan has earned a reputation for its awkward command of English, with results ranging from the perplexing to downright hilarious. The country’s translation screw-ups are so common that they’ve even earned their own collective name, “Engrish.”

But for all the sites that poke fun at Engrish, it’s almost impossible to find one that talks about why it happens. So today we’re offering a bit of explanation along with the laughs, as we look at a sign in Japan that informs English-reading passersby that “Today is under construction.”

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