rer wallpaper

In conjunction with the release of Resident Evil Revelations in the UK, Campcom is pulling out all the stops (and arteries, ha-ha) for their newest PR campaign. Last year, they had a butcher shop serving up fresh “people meat.” (We’re starting to wonder if there wasn’t some miscommunication about exactly what kind of game this is.) So, how about this year?

Well, on May 25 and 26, Capcom’s jumping in the deep end with a pool literally filled with blood. And, if you find you’ve forgotten how to swim, zombie lifeguards are standing by to…rescue you? (Wait, aren’t zombies kind of aquaphobic?)

Okay, we lied a little bit; it’s not literally a pool of blood, but actually just a regular pool with water colored to look like blood. (Not so exciting now, is it?)

▼Not pictured: a literal pool of blood. We hope.
blood pool

Oh, wait, what’s that? There will be “corpses” and “guts” floating in the pool? And “brains” and “intestines” used as lane markers? And a diving board made of “dead people!”  Oh! And, to really make sure no one sleeps after this event, there are even prizes at the bottom of the pool that you have to dive for!

Yay! This really makes us want to…buy a video game. We’re starting to wonder if maybe Capcom owns a chain of mental health clinics in London.

If you happen to be in the area, tickets are limited to 100 people each day, so you’ll need courage, luck, and a strong stomach to get in on this horror show!

Source: GameSpark
Image source: Sinful Celluloid (top image), 1001Archives (swimming pool)