
Final results: Here’s what Seiji’s balding head looks like one year after hair transplant surgery

Now you can finally find out if his hair transplant surgery worked!

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Rich and bald or handsome and poor? Survey asks Japanese women who’d they’d rather marry

Does a thick wad of bills make up for a thin head of hair?

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A month and a half later, how is Seiji’s hair doing after his hair transplant surgery?

Did it work? Or is Seiji doomed to a defiantly giant forehead forever?

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Our Japanese language reporter tries out hair replacement surgery (viewer discretion is advised)

It turns out that surgically restoring his locks to their luscious glory had some unintended side effects…

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What’s funnier and more likely to make you study than poo? How about male pattern baldness?

Can comedians Takashi and Saito-san use their power of alopecia for good, and get kids studying kanji?

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A curry a day keeps hair on your head: Japanese nutritionist claims curry helps prevent baldness

Add spice to your life – and hair – at the same time!

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Hage? Yes, way! Artist assembles all-star line-up of all your favorite bald anime characters

No hair? No problem! Especially for this gathering of super-powered follicly-challenged anime men.

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Anime’s hottest new hero has no hair, but that’s no problem for this dedicated fan who cosplays as One-Punch Woman.

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Lose hair, save big! Hokkaido hotel offers discounts for bald guests

In a society that celebrates long and luscious hair, those who lose their locks prematurely are at a bit of a disadvantage. A person’s lack of hair can be caused by any of number of things: stress at work, illness, shaving it off for charity, or simply plain old genetics. But with so many products out there that promote flowing locks and even more for hiding hair loss, it’s easy to feel like a loser when you don’t have hair in Japanese society.

Well it’s time to start turning “less hair up there” into “more money in your wallet”! Hot on the heels of the Tokyo bar that gives generous discounts to bald patrons comes a hotel in Kamikawa, Hokkaido which is set to offer reduced rates to the follicly challenged! And it’s not just pure generosity behind these savings, either!

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Ninety-nine problems, but looking like a 5-year-old playa ain’t one of them

Preschool. That tender age between three- and five-years-old where kids cry whenever they are separated from their parents but change moods instantly when something entertaining happens. They are only beginning to discover the crazy mad, mad world around them. It’s like they don’t have a care in the world! They can eat what they want, wear what they want, and do what they want! They should cherish these worry-free years before they start encountering the real world problems of an elementary school first grader…right?

 Well…we hate to break it to you but…

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Tokyo pub offers “balding discount” for follicly-challenged diners

A Japanese pub deep in the heart of white-collar Tokyo wants to help out their customers whose heads are showing the consequences of too much stress and hard work (and perhaps a bit of genetics too).

The restaurant hopes that instead of covering their heads with a complex comb-over or taking a cue from monks to shave it all off, “salarymen” white-collar workers treat their thinning hair as a badge of honor and proof of their dedication to help the struggling Japanese economy. And to show their support, the restaurant has announced a generous “balding discount” as a way of thanking follicly-challenged gents for sacrificing their precious locks for the country!

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