
Sinister cat trips up toddler walking past【Video】

Either this cat doesn’t like children or it has a very sadistic sense of humour.

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Little girl riding the subway in China threatens to kill older woman, bystanders gasp in disbelief

Most of us grew up being taught to respect our elders. In fact, this is one of the most fundamental values traditionally taught to Chinese children. But the video we’re about to see is a stark reminder that the times they are a-changing, and that even in China there are some real brats who think nothing of verbally abusing their elders.

Watch as this little Chinese girl threatens to kill the older woman after she apparently took a photo of her misbehaving onboard the train.

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There’s More to this Pretty Japanese Girl than Meets the Eye 【Video】

Ah, headphone joshi! We don’t know what it is about them, but we’re huge fans of girls with headphones here at RocketNews24. I mean they’re basically just head-mounted speakers, and I personally always look completely stupid with a pair resting on my bonce for some reason, but when placed on the head of a young Asian girl something magical happens.

This young lady, though, has something extra special about her. Any ideas?

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