
Tear-jerking illustrations of a Twitter user’s deteriorating iPod go viral in Japan

Electronic gadgets are part and parcel of our daily lives, helping us get work done, keeping us in contact with our friends and family, and entertaining us even in the most ungodly hours of the night. Our computers, mobile phones, music players and game consoles have become like friends and partners we can hardly live without, yet more often than not, we’re on the look out for newer models that have more functions, better technology, and nicer designs.

Some of us have a greater affection for our “buddies” of technology than others, and prefer to hang on to our trusty gadgets instead of forsaking them for newer ones. Japanese Twitter user Kameco (@kameco3) is one such loyal user, and the illustrations she created depicting the heart-wrenching situation of her deteriorating iPod tugged at the heartstrings of fellow iPod users in a similar plight. Check out the touching story after the break!

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Touching commercial pulls off a hat-trick to hit us right in the feels once again

We should probably start a new series here at RocketNews24 featuring “commercials that are bound to make you dissolve in a puddle of tears unless you’re actually an android in disguise.” In addition to Intel Japan and a Thai insurance company’s advertisements earlier this year, these tear-jerking commercials have made us break down sobbing for a third time with a new entry by music company Tosando about a father’s very special message to his daughter on her wedding day. Whether you’re a classical music buff or not, be ready with a box of tissues nearby before watching it – you’re guaranteed to let out a few sniffles at the very least.

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