
We stumbled upon “Pudding Street” in Hanoi, so of course we had to investigate

What’s Vietnamese pudding taste like? We had to find out!

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Pokémon card shop in Osaka says it will refuse to buy cards from any Vietnamese people

Broad-brush policy is lacking in fine details.

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Our Japanese language reporter gets lucky with Vietnam McDonald’s Prosperity Beef Burger

Live long and McProsper, at McDonald’s Vietnam.

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We sigh and swoon over the adorable Year of the Tiger Starbucks goods sold  in the rest of Asia

Don’t get us wrong, Starbucks Japan has great merchandise, but have you seen Starbucks Singapore?!

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Man arrested for spraying Japan’s public broadcasting fee collector with fire extinguisher

That’s one way to end a heated conversation.

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Awesome time lapse video shows Vietnamese artist carving amazingly detailed wooden Goku statue

This must have taken some serious time and Dragon Ball dedication!

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We got our hands on a can of coffee-flavored Coca-Cola from Vietnam and it busted our senses

Will this magical fusion of coffee and the world’s favorite soda work out?

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Whimsical new Vietnamese bridge looks like it’s held up by the hands of gods

It looks like it could be a set from The Lord of the Rings!

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Vietnam’s cutest fishmonger is a swanky cat, drives a hard bargain with his sea-captain stare

His name alone is turning more heads than his acute sense of feline fashion.

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Resident Evil’s zombie-making Umbrella Corporation logo spotted at skin clinic in Vietnam

Will treatments leave your skin smooth and shiny, or itchy and tasty?

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Kong: Skull Island premiere in Vietnam shows how they would fight the giant ape【Video】


What’s that phrase? Break a leg? Catch on fire? Uh oh, Macbeth? Macbeth!

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Vietnamese driver has dangerously close encounter with a tornado, catches it on video

Intense video reminds us that the power of nature is not something to take lightly.

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Hanoi man lets dog drive motorbike, police say “Bad boy!”【Video】

The SPCA has taught me that dogs can technically drive. But that doesn’t mean we should be handing them the keys and making them designated driver for Katy’s hen do. I mean, besides the fact they don’t even have thumbs, lovably distractable dogs are likely to veer off the road in pursuit of squirrels, other dogs’ butts, a weird shadow and pretty much anything they can put in their mouths. They’re clearly a hazard to other drivers.

And that’s why the police in Hanoi are looking for a man filmed speeding down the road at night letting his dog steer the bike.

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Culturally confusing Vietnamese Burger King found selling Japanese food

Recently our Southeast Asia correspondent Kowloon Kurosawa took a trip from his current residence in Cambodia to the neighboring country of Vietnam. Following standard RocketNews24 foreign travel protocol he soon made his way to a Burger King in Ho Chi Minh City.

However, what he found surprised even our cholestorol-hardened reporter. This Burger King has a special combo menu called Rice King. Not only that but it contained a teriyaki tonkatsu combo!

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Vietnamese kids’ TV show will haunt your dreams, possibly get sued by Disney 【Video】

One of the things kids most enjoy about going to Disneyland is getting to meet the characters up close and personal, and they love seeing their favourites on TV too. But something about the characters on this Vietnamese children’s show are a little…off. This bizarre TV show features a lawsuit waiting to happen, canned children’s cheers, and characters that will haunt your dreams.

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Vietnamese man, angry at wife, hatches bizarre revenge scheme: Cut off his own penis

That old Internet meme about stupid business plans that goes something like, “1) _____, 2) ???, 3) Profit!” can now apparently be applied to dumb revenge schemes, as a Vietnamese man, who, after becoming so incredibly furious at his wife that he simply had to do something to get revenge, put together this brilliant scheme: 1) cut off own penis, 2) ???, 3) SATISFACTION!!!!

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Coca-Cola giving away specialty bottlecaps in Vietnam to promote reusing their plastic bottles

You have to hand it to Coca-Cola. Despite being the best-selling cola brand and one of the biggest companies in the world, they certainly don’t seem to rest on their laurels. Like a hungry up-and-coming business, they’re always coming up with new gimmicks in each of the 200 countries they operate in, whether it be personalized bottles in Japan or, like now in Vietnam, a set of functional caps which can transform your empty bottle into a water gun, pencil sharpener, night lights and more after you’re finished with it.

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River overflowing? Got to get to school? Don’t forget your plastic bag! 【Video】

Bad weather holidays were the greatest reason for not going to school. Sometimes, though, the severe weather isn’t quite enough to force a closure. The wind isn’t quite strong enough or the rain or snow isn’t dangerous enough. So, if the school says classes are on, you do what you can to get there. A city in Vietnam has “schooled” everyone with the incredible lengths they will go to get students to their classroom.

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A flood of scooters at the drive-through marks the opening of Vietnam’s first McDonald’s

You may have been under the impression that McDonald’s has already taken over the world. But even though it has already succeeded in introducing the Big Mac to over 120 countries or territories around the globe, it still has a few places left to conquer. Up until now, Vietnam was, perhaps surprisingly, one of those places. But not anymore with the grand opening of Vietnam’s first McDonald’s shop, which also happens to be Vietnam’s first drive-through restaurant and first 24-hour chain store. Opening day proved to be a smashing success with hordes of people flocking to sink their teeth into a juicy burger. Interestingly, due to the prevalence of scooters in Vietnam, the drive-through line was almost completely composed of people driving not cars, but scooters! Join us for a look at some opening day scenes with pictures taken by people who were there.

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Changes are expected to be made to the Vietnamese constitution this October during sessions of the country’s National Assembly. The current constitution was ratified in 1992 as part of the doimoi political movement that relaxed many of the government’s economic controls, and was a major departure from its previous incarnation.

Although minor revisions were made to the constitution in 2001, far more extensive alterations are expected in the next round. Among the many points to be discussed is the possibility of altering the country’s official name.

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