
Why you shouldn’t say you’ve seen enough until you’ve seen Japan’s Nikko, and seen it as an adult

Nikko’s famous Kegon no Taki waterfall bored our reporter on his class trip, but it’s a different story now that he’s grown up.

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Takigyo, Japanese waterfall meditation, is a sure way to shock yourself out of your winter rut

After one too many lazy Saturdays, we find ourselves standing at the foot of an ice cold waterfall.

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Visitors are drawn to the serene stillness of the icy Fukuroda Falls.

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Volcanoes, castles and more: 10 of Japan’s best drone-shot videos to give you wanderlust【Video】

Drones have sort of exploded in our cultural conscious over the last few years, garnering both media and political attention. Like many other countries, the skies of Japan seem to be full of the whirring, buzzing devices, and while the government and society are still trying to figure out exactly how they feel about these all-seeing sky robots, YouTube is quickly filling up with gorgeous videos shot with drones!

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